
I cant help you if you keep spamming or use bidbots in violation of their terms, but if you are getting downvoted for what you say i can step up for you.

Let me know if you stop doing those things and are still getting flagged.
We need folks here that arent afraid to be offensive.

well thank you sir for your support i thought this was a free world i could say what i want and do what i like but turns out i cant be myself so perhaps ill start doing punny puppy jokes

You can, but they are free to downvote you, too.
Did you use a bot?

no i dont know of any to use can you recommend one

I dont reccomend bots, they are bad for the rest of the users.

I ask because your largest downvoter works for one.

how do you know all this information? , i meant do you know who`s ruining my life?

Everything on the blockchain is public and permanent.

am stopping all this offensive jokes my sister is very angry with me so am quitting if she stays mad at me

you know i can deliver this stuff to you guys via private chats

We would rather see your account make a comeback.

You cant do that if you are spamming comments and using votebots to promote plagairized content.

yeah am working on it

your english is too difficult am an african use easier english

you use big words