
I love browsing Kickstarter projects - but I rarely find them. Seems too risky! Glad your comics arrived and you enjoy them! Looks good

Yes, I've backed a few duds... But there have been some really good ones that more than make up for it!

Comics is a great way to teach our children about some of the valuable lessons in life. Valor comics looks interesting as you mentioned re imagined fairy tale stories. It would be great to see a different take on the well loved stories.

I have a super one that I have for myself. Fables, and it really reimagines the fairy tales as they try to live in our world!

I will be sure to check this comic out, especially with two daughters at home. One of the things I like about certain current series is that many contain very strong female roles.

Proud member of #powerhousecreatives

I do like it... There are good ones where it isn't too self conscious about it!

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Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!!