Kick-Ass an Amazing Creator Owned Comic Book

in #comics2 years ago

My Book

Kick-Ass Comic Book, Graphic Novel, Movie

Let us take a ride on the Way Back Machine to a time when Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. created the first issue of Kick-Ass. The picture above is the 1st print of the Graphic Novel which is a collection of issues 1 thru 7. The 1st issue of the comic book was released February 7th 2008. Can you believe it only sold for $2.99 USD?

I have been a fan of the title since it was released. Yes, you guessed it, the title sucked me in like a hoover. I picked up that first issue and the artwork blew my mind. This was no kiddy comic, very explicit content. Even though the images on the page were still, the artwork forces action into your brain.

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From Marvel to Creator Owned

Before it was made into a major motion picture with a sequel, Kick-Ass was published by Marvel under their Icon brand, and Republished by Image Comics. now the title is owned by its creators. Being a fan of course I have read the comic books, and watched both movies multiple times. I must say I am a fan.

The writing is fast-moving, and to the point with a humor that is dark and edgy. The artwork is amazing, every time I pick up an issue to read I can't put it down until the last page is turned.

I am not very creative or artistic so the words are not coming to me easily. Rather than fumble through some clumsy sentences, I will post the image of the open graphic novel below.

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See What I Mean About Movement?

Starting from the top left, I see them eating and enjoying each other's company. Bottom right of the same page, when she kicks that heavy bag I not only see the kick but I also hear the impact of her foot against the surface of the bag and the rattling of the supporting chains.

Do not get me wrong not all comic books have this effect on me. John Romita Jr. has an artistic style that really speaks to me. They say you know when you like a work of art by the emotions it makes you feel. I have never studied art, but I was a reader of Wizard Magazine when it was in print, and I do enjoy the Comic Buyers Guide whenever I can get my hands on one. I do feel I have a pretty good handle on comic books and graphic novels.

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This is my First Comic Books fan/pro Post

Being a comic book fan since before I could read, this community really speaks to me. This is my first submission in this community. I hope you all enjoyed it. If there was anything lacking please let me know.

Thank you all for your time 😃



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Thank you so very much for your feedback 👍

I don't usually read comic book posts, but @Listnerds sent me here and I am blessed for it. Thanks and this post Kicks A! And the graphic in List Nerds is very good as a link to bring people here!

Thank you so very much for the email feedback 👍

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Thank you so very much 👍

Hey @chris.topher! I only saw the movie first! Didn't know this was from a comic series. The fine print is really cool. Not the usual ones I see. Anyways. have a great day!

If I am anything it is different lol, thank you so much for your kind words 😀

I remember reading and being excited for the entire marvel universe but lately I haven't really bothered to read or even watch any of the shows. I think it's because almost everything is like a spin-off or remake of something old that I feel that there is nothing new to grab at me.

I don't think I have read Kick-Ass before though. It could go onto my backlog.

It is a great title, the artwork just mesmerizes me, but I am a comic nerd from way back. 👍

I was sorta happy when they even made a movie of it. I am not exactly crazy about it, but I wouldn't mind reading it while waiting for my barber.

Nothing quite passes the time like some snacks and a stack of unread comics 😀

Well I be darned. Didn't even know there was a comics community and wouldn't have known it if it wasn't for the man @chris.topher through a ListNerds mail 🤓 thanks for the entertaining post!

There will be a lot more to come, I am just now discovering how much fun Hive can be 👍

Very Interesting. It reminds me of when I collected comics as a kid in the 60's.
I wish I had some of those comics still. I still love reading comics.

Some of those comics would give you an early retirement especially if you had them graded by the CGC at 9.8 or above.

Ohh awesome! I love comic books!! I found you through listnerds. Thanks for the content! !PIZZA

Thank you so very much 😀

wow nice to see am so impressed.

Thank you for your kind words 😀

I never got much into Marvel stuff but I might change it soon with my son asking me to make a Hulk mask for Carnival last week lol
I watched a few series and movies but not the comics. As you may noticed, I'm more of a Japanese comics/manga/anime fan!
It's good to see that nerdy side of you lol 🤓


I am working on a review of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, I have some of the original Japanese language comics that I will use in the posts images. 👍

Nice mate i started collecting comics again
Have an awesome day😎

That is awesome. Being in the UK I bet you are privy to some Dr Who collectibles and comics they don't even have available in the rest of the world.


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