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RE: Thanos Demands Your Silence: AKA don't be a jerk

in #comics6 years ago

Not even probably 20 minutes after I got off discord with you last night someone on reddit felt like being an asshole, so I already got hit with a spoiler on two character deaths that I wasn't expecting. So, that's fun.


Yeah looking for the source to that pic i saw people trying to spoil. I literally just would panic scroll. I don't have any spoilers and am staying off most social media

Definitely a smart idea. I got off reddit after that and won't be going back until after I see the movie. Staying off imgur and twitter as much as possible as well. Just fucking sucks that I already know what's happening to several characters now that I would have never fucking expected. God damn it.

At least on steemit if someone spoils they can be flagged into oblivion