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RE: Phill from GCHQ - page 70 - Household Deity Harlotry

in #comics6 years ago (edited)

Goodmorning! I am sure you will. Just spill a little beer on the ground and they will come running - hopefully the less demanding sort :)

The creatures here are very much inspired by the Nisse/tompte of Scandinavia as I am not that familiar with how the Brits treat their ancient spirits. As far as I have heard the puritan streak in their culture was much harsher on the old ones than we were. Not that I have ever heard a story about a sexually demanding Nisse, but in Scandinavian folklore there is a lot of sexual undertones so I kind of built on that, mostly for the comedy (of the sort my wife likes) and to expand and complexify the character of Gwendolyn.

Hope you are settling in in a nice way!


We tend to neglect what spirits we may have, if we choose to believe in them. I think we could do with being closer to nature at least.

Yes, and as religion goes it is a nice, decentralised and personal way to go about it. For people with a spiritual need it somehow mirrors the move towards doing energy production, food production and recycling in our local community, to have the Gods in the attic and in the surrounding nature :)