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RE: Phill from GCHQ - page 65 - Spirals

in #comics6 years ago (edited)

Read & enjoyed!

Proof of reading:
I noticed your using the words rotatitions and psycology, and while I like both as they are, did you perhaps mean to write rotations and psychology? Also, it says "what tool are" instead of "what tools are". "What they know" needs a comma at the end, I think, before "and".
"A way to getting to" sounds off to me, I think that should be "a way of getting to" or "a way to get to", but maybe a native speaker should be the judge of that. Dito "limits" versus "limitations".

I will now retreat and draw some spirals on myself. You never know.


Thanks, mate. Rotatitions is a fascinating word, sadly also rather unintelligible. Same goes for psychology no matter how it is spelled. I will conservatively go with the common spelling.

Good idea, you never know!

I edited the previous comment, in case you missed that.

I actually like rotatition, it should be a word. "A translational rotation around a point not in the centre of an object" could be a definition. I made that up.

The new things sounds like they need to be fixed too.

I think you do pretty well considering you are not a native English speaker

It is also funny. I am much more concentrated when listening to or watching something in British English. The comic has people from all over the isles so I can use any new word or phrase I hear, be it Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Oxbridge or Cockney :)