What would you delegate for?

in #community6 years ago

Everyone wants more power right, giving up your Steem Power (SP) is not easy, even if it is just for a short loan.

What would you delegate for?

I find myself asking this question of late as I seek delegation for my own project. SP is precious, it gives you influence and enables you to promote your posts and get more SP. A sign of how valuable it is is the fact that people have even begun using SP as a natural unit of measurement (no longer needing to translate to dollars).

a pause for thought...

We all want to our SP for ourselves, myself included, then I read about generous people who are the heart and soul of the Steem blockchain?

If you haven't read this post yet meet one of the best Steemians out there

This post has both inspired and humbled me and I ask myself why am I not delegating to other people to hihelp the community grow?

What goes around comes around ...

Just 50 SP is a huge boost to people when they are starting out. I have about 270 Steem most of which I will power up and delegate to a few deserving people and projects. It is not much but it is a start.
Who knows these 5 people may be whales some day and remember me, or more likely they will help kick off the exponential growth of the community by attracting more people.

Thanks for the reminder @davemccoy and the inspiration @abh12345

Calling all Whales, Orcas, Dolphins and even minnows

Sometimes it's not the amount that matters but the gesture and the token vote of support. Let me leave you with these 4 points for reflection:

Who would you delegate to:

  • A writer to help them get started
  • A project to help them get on their feet
  • A community to help them grow
  • A buyer for a return on your investment

What do you think your answer to each one says about the future of Steem?

Community Building

We all have to live but I will argue till the cows come home the value of Steem is in its network.

You have an opportunity to build a bright future by incentivising content and content creators with your Steem Super Power today!

Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Travel.
Images Source: pixabay.com


As a person that after almost one year recently reached minnow status from out ot the redfish pool, I am still trying to grow my account. I mostly travel around just looking to try and help new users get started with projects like newbieresteemday, and then just giving a vote and a comment to new users. There are so many people that put what they feel is a nice post out and get very little interaction on it, so many times I have been the first if not possible the only person to comment on some post. Comments take time, Ashers league of curation helps to stay motivated in that respect.

It used to be pretty difficult to grow my account and still give a vote to new user contents. Then @dustsweeper came in, and it was a tremendous help in growing my account. I have realized that I can help more people by also making sure I do not ignore my own account, and other people in a similar boat as myself.

There are a lot of minnow support projects out there, but most of them come at a cost, that I simply can not afford. Then someone like @tcpolymath comes along, and at no charge helps people to grow their accounts and is looking forward to building a dolphin society. Being from a mid level middle class society all of my life, I see the importance of this effort.

Just prior to meeting and being helped by @tcpolymath, I had started to get to know @jancom23 in the IFC challenge. He had a dream of trying to help build accounts on steemit to have an effect in the future on things that need to be done in the real community. He saw people helping people on steemit and want to translate that into the greater society.

Like @tcpolymath he understands that to use the power held in steemit he needs a group of middle class steemians also to help with his dream of the future, thus he created @thehive. A mutual self support group community focused on helping members grow their accounts. It is a slow growth project of his and for me it is helping and I on a regular basis spend one of my full upvotes on at least one Hive Post a day.

If you are looking for a group that could use a delegation, then I personally think that you would not go wrong nor be disappointed in supporting @pifc. Like @newbieresteemday, it's focus is on the new users, spotlighting and presenting new users to each other and to others that have been spotlighted before, most of the participants in PIFC are past spotlighted people. This is a project that was started by @thedarkhorse. This program/contest gets the new user used to voting, commenting, and provides education to them on what the participants see as good content starts.

Thank you so much for this insight. I didn't know about any of these initiatives.

@pifc, is a very good one, for trying to keep people engaged, and to give people a chance to share content that they feel is good. Kind of a mini curie, without all the rules regulations, and anonymity associated with them. Real steemian, recognizing real steemians.

@bashadow thank you for your kind words and sharing what we are doing. @eroche you will see that @pifc is a new account that we are currently building up to have enough SP to be self sufficient. Just recieved some nice delegations this week and currently feel it has enough to start one small contest and will keep the Curation Contest on my main account for a few more weeks as we find a few more delegations. The first contest will be announced next week and then assume the Curation Contest will move over around the first week of Aug.

The Curation Contest is in it's 15th week and we have helped hundreds of minnows out with votes, SBI shares, Steem Bounty rewards, and now even have SteemMonster cards for everyone that enters the contest. Love the variety of ways everyone gets rewarded as it helps keep things fun and engaging.

Anyways if you have any questions about what we are doing or how you can maybe help in ways other then delegations hit me up on discord. thedarkhorse #6765

I have just donated a small amount of delegation to @pifc. It sounds like a great project and I wish you well.

Thank you for this message @eroche. It is very nice to see even one more person mention the topic and maybe one day we will find a way to break through and get enough attention!

I know that we (regular Steemians) don't have the power to make a huge difference by ourselves. But maybe your post will be the post that wakes somebody up!

While we never know what will be the tipping point, if we keep the message alive then we have a chance. I know this place has tons of potential and its people like you that give me hope!

Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend!

I know that we (regular Steemians) don't have the power to make a huge difference by ourselves. But maybe your post will be the post that wakes somebody up!

I feel like in the months I've been here there has been a growing shift back towards people trying to find people to help. Or maybe it's just that I have been surrounding myself with good people...totally possible.

Really do hope at some point a few more whales wake up to the fact that if the smaller users become fully engaged with the platform they will invest money, real fiat dollars into the system. This investment is what allows for steem values to increase. But when the little guys can't make headway in a reasonable time frame because so much SP is tied up in bid bots that they leave. More that leave and tell their friends "don't waste your time with that steemit you can't make money there" the harder it becomes to onboard the next person.

Many keep saying we are early to the party and just wait for great things to come. While I feel this is true, it may be a very short ride if there isn't a way to get the masses to see enough financial incentive to investing into SP. You can add 1 million accounts, if they all leave because it was a waste of their time then not only are they not coming back but a group of their friends are never coming in the first place.

IMO the Goal of every whale should be to help grow a real middle class who then can help grow the minnow and redfish if they care about the long term growth of steem values.

@thedarkhorse ... this is a very good point here... I agree with you completely... I personally just invested here in the last month and did that to get into making a steemmonster market. It takes time for people to decide to put money in and I have seen many awesome people come and go that didn't have the patience to wait. I too hope that the people at the top figure it out, because this really could be an awesome place if people realized what was needed. That's why I think @abh12345 is a perfect choice to lead that mission. He has earned his stripes of both big boys and little minnows. One look at this post and anyone can see that is the truth! Thanks for the input here @thedarkhorse!

I have seen many awesome people come and go that didn't have the patience to wait.

Instant gratification mindset doesn't work here on steemit. If it did we would all be millionaires without any effort and sitting on a beach with a beer in hand.

Problem is most people wish for things in life. Very few work for them. My Dad would tell me "wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which one fill up faster". This wasn't to say don't dream, but rather that a dream without a actionable plan of action is nothing but a worthless wish.

@thedarkhorse ... so true.. and lol, I love that saying... Never heard it before!

I've delegated to various people to help them have a bigger influence here. I just reviewed those and see some have enough SP to stand on their own now. There's limits to how far I can spread my votes so I'm happy for others to make use of it. I get a little back if they vote up my stuff and there's one service that actually pays me a little, but I'm not too worried about what I make from it. Curation is not a big earner for me anyway. I think more dolphins, orcas and whales could do this to help build up the community.

I agree, I think I will begin to donate a portion of my SP to worthy projects on a regular basis.

Hi eroche. Yes it is all about community building and looking after each other. The wheel always turns so one day the people you helped could be in a position to support you. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. At the moment I am not sure as I am still new but i would probably lean to a group of new people to help them get going.

My delegations have been all over the map. Currently doing some for an income stream and others “altruistically”.

Just yesterday I mentioned in a comment to a @hitmeasap post that I’m thinking about readjusting my delegations later this summer and doing a bunch of microdelegating to plankton/redfish. I want to help out some small accounts who are here for the long haul.

I think that is a great idea, I am going to try that out and I'll rotate my delegations too to hit more people.

I would not have any problem to delegate all my SP. As it seems kind of useless to have any amount below 100 or even 1,000. Since that doesn't really provide any measure able upvote.

I would delegate to someone that only upvotes comments.

I would delegate to someone that only upvotes comments.

That is an interesting one, supporting engagement. I can't think of anyone that focuses on encouraging comments in this way.

That's precisely what my intention is!
And indeed to bad no one does this right now!

Education, @eroche.

@steemiteducation are on my list.

education is a really good idea @lighteye. I have been trialing a few things to see how online instructors can be incentivised to posts more content on steemit. lol I did post about it but it seemed to have fallen through the cracks. I have an account @learn-and-earn and I will be using that account to help those that post tutorials.

I have been delegating to people to help them grow, contents winners, and those I see making an extra effort, next week I will be delegating a little to the #learn-and-earn account to try give a boost to instructors and educators.

I find the 'bigger' projects are getting a lot of help, so I want to help the smaller people and projects. Not that I have much, but as you said, even a small amount helps when you are starting out.

Let me know when you are rolling out this project @learn-and-earn and I will make micro delegation of SP. I am going to spread a percentage of my SP around lots of projects.

nice and inspirational eyes opening =) I really believe the blockchain allow ourselves to measure our prosperous acts and also our greed and can be a tool for emancipation and assuming social responsabilities. Furthermore, the most of people having the time to spend on social media are not in need for the most. Surely it is exciting to gain in power and incomes, but what is the point when we do not really need it for living a decent life?

It is already some years that I am living correctly with a minimum which let me the time to develop @globalschool, and social innovations without depending on a source of funding and thanks to the blockchain I can even give more without having a real cost doing it as I can help and support new comers and people in need of support with the rewards of my posts.

There is a lot we can do ourselves to improve the world in which we are living, but it is probably just depending on how the responsabilities we are delegating have prosperous potentials, even if they are not direct, it can inspire.

Thank you for your testimonial, best,

Its not like loans are free.. there is this thing called interest

Digital tokens are worth nothing ... unless we create value somewhere.

I propose the network is the value that we can create and a by product of that is your tokens will go up in value. Much better than interest especially considering interest is measured in %, capital gains for crypto are measured in X.

A whale or anyone delegating a portion of their SP for free to good projects and people to help the network grow could be the wisest investment for their SP.

Steemit already managed to successfully bootstrap steem tokens, with a bunch of large whales devouring everything and the rest of 99% small fish desperate to seek attention.

WARNING - The message you received from @sanjugangber is a CONFIRMED SCAM!
DO NOT FOLLOW any instruction and DO NOT CLICK on any link in the comment!

For more information about this scam, read this post:

If you find my work to protect you and the community valuable, please consider to upvote this warning or to vote for my witness.

your post is interesting @eroche
but we have no option. if we want more earning then we need to give steem power.
and if we work as a community then only we will earn more from steemit.
and 1st target for all steemitians will be to increase steempower.
whats your 1 st target ?
whats your opinion about my thinking , answer and suggest more on @aaatish

I encourage people starting out to put time and energy in rather than money. That is what will create value. If you have to put money in to make money where is the added value coming from?

I delegated to support a project which will adopt smt

Let's Eat will adopt SMTs down the road so I'll give you a shout ;)

Hey @eroche! It's really nice to hear you consider delegation. If you happen to be on the fence about that, please check our cannabis curation project: @canna-curate.

We've been around for 3 weeks and we managed to get some support, but we're cruising for more SP from like-minded steemians.

Sounds interesting. I will check it out

Thx in advance. Main benefit for you would be getting one upvote a day from the account and our curation trail!

Hey @eroche

There are so many projects and people that deserve a boost imo. I've been scattering small chunks of SP around for a while to various.

Communities that try to attract new users and retain current ones, and people that 'oil the blockchain' with interaction are my main choices. @paulag and others do similar but there's always room for more 😁

'Oil the Blockchain', a great phrase. I will use that one :)

You work has inspired me to donate a portion of my SP to worthy projects on a regular basis. I am going to set aside, maybe 1k SP which I will spread and rotate to give various projects and people a boost that are working to attract new users and retain current ones.
Is there any place where the smaller projects make their case for delegation that I could look? I know about solicitingpower by @roelandp, but I am not sure everything is on that.

Great :) There a fair few people delegating away, it's a good thing to be doing I think.

More of the community accounts should be on that website, it's pretty cool and I've used it to delegate in the past. I'm not sure of another list...

Haven't heard about solicitingpower...need to look into it. Probably be better to try and get included once everything is moved over to the @pifc account. Think we are a few weeks from that point.

Just we have to make a strong n huge community then once we have it achieves it so we don't need the care , our sp increase instantly n automatically so we earn much more as the result.

Alright, way to heed the calling to support the community. I applaud your actions. I hope this will trigger more support from those you can afford it.

Well said @eroche . There are so, so many people and projects on here that deserve help, especially new users. Although I only have 140 SP I have been considering delegating some to a new user who I am very close with. My problem lies herein: even at my full SP and VP, my vote is worth just over .01, which is below the payout threshold. So, if I split that in half, then both of us would have votes significantly below the threshold. I understand things accumulate but it's difficult for me to wrap my head around doing so with such a low amount of SP to begin with. Thoughts?

I think you may be better off holding on to your SP until you build up some more.
You can help out new users in many ways without sending them SP. I came to Steemit for engagement, not for money.

I came to Steemit for engagement, not for money.

I as well. I was just asking a question in reference to your article :)

I like people with your motivation and I think it is the best for the community. I am sure your friends will respond just as much to engagement when they are starting out :)

These are the best people to be attracting ;)

I delegate all my steem power to a few handpicked steemians and to the official @asapers account. These awesome people own less than 500 SP and they are the core group of the asapers.

The asapers is a project I launched together with @insideoutlet and @shai-hulud, and the asapers wouldn't exist without them. The goal is to be an all round helper and to manually curate and share the rewards with the featured authors. We are small, but we are unique and we have our hearts at the right place.

Projects like this, is what I personally love and would continue to delegate to, if I had the opportunity.

I am so glad I wrote this post today because I am learning about a whole new set of communities I had no idea existed.

Totally agree with your sentiments! The value of STEEM is in the network/community.

It's hard convincing people to delegate their steem for long term investments, so I started with the low hanging fruit by encouraging others to upvote new users and low SP accounts by using the #upvoteplankton hashtag (hope you don't mind me mentioning this here! I don't get any reward or income from it)

I guess these same people would have used Facebook but never bothered to buy the Facebook shares in its IPO.

I have drawn the comparison many times, but imagine you could have bought Facebook shares two years in (2008, four years before it's IPO) or when you first started using it?

By buying and investing in steem power, you are essentially becoming an owner of one of the most promising blockchain projects around. It's not vapour ware... It's up and running and growing every day!

Those chasing short term gains by delegating to bots are basically giving the bots their steem power to build the brand's of others and missing out on the true value!

Anyway, I could go on for ages, but I will stop here. Keep up the great work!


Most people around here are still in for the money - the proof is the huge amount of SP that is delegated to the bidbots, which pay out a nice return.
Personally, I find this a bridge to far. I would probably earn more and would be able to grow my account faster if I would hop on that train, but I won't.

There are two bots I delegate to: @dustsweeper, since it is a very valuable service that prevents that smaller votes will turn to dust, and @trufflepig - a AI bot that looks for undervalued content. I get a very small return from this last one.

I've got around 3000SP, and 1/3 is delegated. I'm delegating to some community accounts, like @newbieresteemday, @asapers and @friendsofgondor, because I admire their support to the community. These delegations don't bring in any financial rewards, but the fact that they are helping so many others on this platform is reward enough for me.

Just recently, I added @steemhunt and @actifit to the list, mainly because I believe in the power of extra Blockchain applications.

The most rewarding kind of delegations, however, are the delegations given to individuals. A little over two months ago, I hosted a contest and gave 4 small accounts a delegation of 50SP for 8 weeks to get them out of the bandwidth error zone. Since I was fortunate enough to be able to buy myself in, I have never experienced those issues myself, but I can imagine running out of bandwidth must be very annoying.

8 weeks later, these people were able to get by on their own. It's not only a great feeling to know you can make a difference - even if it is only a small one - but by delegating to individuals, you also make a connection with them, which might even be the most important of all.
(By the end of the day, I'll have 3 new delegatees that will each receive 75SP for 8 weeks to help them grow their account.)

Some great ideas, thanks for this.

but by delegating to individuals, you also make a connection with them, which might even be the most important of all.

Great point

Hi there! I just upvoted you, I am a semibot that sometimes vote on great content or sometimes just Create useful content. I am helping @cheetah , @FollowForUpvotes , @minnowSupport , @steemgigs , @dropahead #bots and other users right now for making the steem more helpful to new users. Contact me if you want me to follow on your content or comments. If you have any query then please contact me. You can always send me SP or SBD so i can keep helping you indirectly by helping these awesome bots.

Do not forget to Follow @jeevanot, I actually create content as HUMAN. />

You’re welcome :0)
The hardest part is selecting who to delegate to. There are so many promising users who can use a little help. THat’s why I host contests to select the winners. The contest is about engagement. The more participants are active on the platform, the bigger their chance on winning. This to avoid sending delegations that are not used for the best.

I am just a relatively small redfish @eroche, but as the current recipient of a couple of generous delegations, I can attest to the value of them, as a motivational and inspirational tool.

I got a slow start here, but the delegations have helped me practically double my own stake over the past month. When I get big enough on my own I am hoping to "pay it forward" deserving newcomers.
