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RE: Steemitri The Mannequin Contest - Pick a title and write your own story 2 - Total prize UPDATE: 13 SBD or more

in #community6 years ago (edited)

Day 31:

It's been a month already. I've been up here, watching the hours pass, feeling a bit like if I'm wasting my time. But I'm not. I know very well what I'm doing. The fact is, I need to catch it. I need to keep that thought to myself, like, I need to do it. The mouse kept hiding inside the box, and he wouldn't last longer than I would, since, you know, I'm a mannequin, and the mouse is... alive, and it needs to eat, and, wait, I seriously did spend the last month of my life on top of a closet waiting for a mouse? A mannequin's life could get really boring if you ask...

It was really funny to think a backstory for the images, and I enjoyed writing it as well! Hope you like it :)


Hahaha! I can wait days, weeks, months or years ;-)
Thanks for your story :-)
Big hug!