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RE: My engagement on Steemit replies is dropping and I plan to change that... And you should too!

in #community6 years ago (edited)

I feel you brother! Indeed Steemit is about engaging and taking the time and effort to reply to people who comment on your posts.

Yet you have a large fanbase and literally get a thousand comments not to mention you still have your discord communities.

I am not famous yet and yet I am overwhelmed at times with the community building that I do with Ohana @steemitfamilyph and the @promo-mentors that sometimes it takes me a day or two before I get back and reply to good comments (I now receive copy paste and one liners showing they did not understand what I wrote)

My commenting on other people's posts has dropped because most of my comments go to confidence building with Ohana and the scouting efforts I do that sometimes I missed out on great articles from people that I follow.

It would be a shame if you would not post just to get back to the grove of commenting back. I think both of us owe it it to our followers to inspire them. You do more by writing your thoughts.

Keep being awesome!


Yeah man but still, even when being on many communities and getting a lot of comments, if we want rewards for posting, we must know that those rewards come from people following you, so we have to keep them interested on our content, one way of doing that is by replying :D

I understand, I really like the idea of Ohana, I loved some of your entries for my previous contest but as surpassing is already supporting the community sometimes I decided for other communities, nothing personal. Promo mentors is awesome, Future thinker is a friend of mine and I really like how you are handling things there.

Exactly, even if you are commenting less, as long as it is for community building, you are ok for me :D

No worries man we are doing alright and have an active community that is growing and have been fairly successful in getting curie and ocd votes and morale is in a whole time high.

We love the contests that you run because it involves so many of the community.

yeah future is indeed awesome and I love what Promo-mentors are doing and liking my scout function. We really need to help retain people and Promo-mentors are doing it so well. The one on one mentoring is phenomenal.