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in #community7 years ago

@papa-pepper Might I inspire you with this thought. Would you be willing to consider creating custom "full power upvote" gifs for members of Steemit? Like yours but with the second line custom tailored to their username?

I would like to offer $5.00 SBD to have one just like yours but have the second line read something like..."@Preppers values your REAL comments and will select 5 of the best comments for a full power upvote".

I mostly resteem others, but would like to also start publishing some of my own original content. I only received a couple of these kinds of comments on my introduction post, but it was disappointing just the same to see that. After that, I began noticing how many people get these kinds of spam comments on their posts. I also find it very disheartening to see it all over the #introduceyourself tag, especially when new members put a considerable amount of effort into their posts only to be spammed by people who never even bothered to read them.

I don't think these people are inherently bad people trying to spam, they just don't understand the etiquette. I never thought that downvoting them is right either. That's sort of like cursing an immigrant who is trying to fit into our society and still hasn't learned the proper way. Shooting them down before they can even get started only crushes their aspirations and makes them feel unwanted in a place that they had such high hopes for.

I would love to see the entire community employ this carrot method to reward good behavior with positive reinforcement rather than slapping new people down with a stick.

Maybe you can start something with this by creating these custom gif's for members of the community?


I'll work on it once I'm done grinding stumps. Thanks.

Tried this for a start...

That's perfect. I'll start using that one in my own posts.

Also, I would like a second one exactly like that but have the second line read "Support the Author with your REAL comments. @Preppers will select at least one comment for a full power upvote"

I would like to offer $3 SBD for that second version. I will use it when curating posts of other authors to encourage positive community participation.

No need to send the SBD, since it is not exactly the same anyway.

Just enjoy it, use it, and STEEM on!

Thanks, already putting it to good use