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RE: The Torundel competition is over - Catullus was the answer!

in #competition4 years ago (edited)

I know that feeling, suddenly just having to reveal something. Glad you succeeded. I read both Sappho and Catullus in Gymnasium, but I never got the same close relationship to Greek. My own language was closer to Latin so it was easier for that young and impossible teenager to remember the words of Catullus. I was in the final exam in Greek examinated in Sappho though, and I got what must be A- because I remembered that in the textbook we were using (which were ancient), an accusative was changed into a nominative to hide the sex of the lover she was addressing in the poem (which was of course female). My classical language teacher who normally was a great admirer of those old scholars (this one was called Karl Hude and was normally treated with much respect) called it an act of a pig :) grammatical case swindling is a serious crime especially when it tries to obfuscate love.

It is my intent to read Sappho when my life becomes more easy (when the teenage years of my Zulu angry youngest daughter comes to an end).

Thanks for putting all this effort into this. 50 Hive seems too little for all that work.