
Thanks! Added to the list. Oh, all of my post that I add #technology tag was automatically added there.

Stemgeeks is just an interface and I then guess they choose tags to display but unless you post through their interface to the Hive chain I don't think you are eligible for their curation. It is like the Leo finance votes they only assign tokens to posts made using their interface.

Is this including cross posting? Because @hivewatchers blacklisted me for reposting this post to stemgeeks.

Who told you that you are blacklisted by Hivewatchers, please?

Oh sorry, I misread, it was just a warning. However, I need clarity from @hivewatchers of what I am allowed to post here. It's clear from your warning that I am not allowed to post the exact contents twice on However, few things are not clear to me:

  1. Reposting on other hive sites.
    1. Everything I post here is automatically posted on
    2. All posts I put #technology tag is automatically posted on
    3. I have got invitational comments to post on and, am I allowed to repost the posts on
    4. With all of above, I assumed cross posting is allowed as long as I am the original. Was I wrong? Please explain.
  2. Are languages other than English Allowed? If so, I personally translate my posts from English to my native language and post and vice versa to accomodate my different readers. Is this allowed?

Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks for asking.

You would need to choose which frontend/community you want to use to publish a specific post. Using multiple communities to publish the same post will just post the same content multiple of times on the blockchain which could be considered spam and attempt farm the rewards for the same posts by using many tags and communities.
If you would like to repost the same article in other community, please decline the payout on the repost.

You can use the cross-post feature. I think that peaked has this option. The cross-posted article has automatically decline payout.

Regarding the translations of the posts in one of 7117 languages.
Please, either include translations into other languages in the same post or decline the payout in the translation posts.
As it would also be considered recycled post spam.

Thank you very much, I understand now. I never knew about the "decline payout" option and just found the menu selection. If everything is fine, I'll continue to cross post but I'll choose decline payout.