Techies / Devs / Smarty Pantses, Can You Help a Grandpa in Need?

in #computers3 years ago


I have this (possibly ludicrous) concept scratching around in my head, but I'm not technically inclined enough to pull it off, yet... Need help.



Is this an unnecessary idea? I'm excited by the possibilities of home based servers, particularly the control of my own data, but maybe there's a simpler solution???? Any advice would be considered (quite exuberantly.) THANKS!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


You could start with something like which hosts files on ipfs (a decentralized file server for the web basically).

And build off that. They offer a free plan which offers IIRC 5 or 50gb free.

You could also start with a GitHub account and start building off of that, which will allow others to contribute with push requests to improve the system. Lots of ideas in that space.

Missed the 3rd party bit,... Definitely consider ipfs, which is technically all the 3rd parties... But better then home hosting for bootstrapping the endeavor.

Good suggestions! I'll look into these!!! I like IPFS!)