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RE: Conscious Music you have probably never heard of | #28 | Entheogenic - Kykeon

in #conscious-music6 years ago (edited)

Another great recommendation which I am listening to with enjoyment atm. Thanks bro, you really are a PRO at finding 'conscious music' I've never heard of lol. I do know the Psychedelic Muse from PooTube and I've got one of their uploads 'Divine Architecture', which I had thought to have got from you but don't find anywhere on your list. I'm including it here just in case. I think you'll like it 🔆 .


PS I know you're a bit of a music buff and all, hence my observation:

At around 50-51 mins, there is a lyric mixed in from the song below. This has always been a powerful piece of music for me, the lyrics say more or less:

Death is a stranger to me, what can I do my life-force does not escape....May there be rest for my tormentor, my abuser....This fig-leaf of comfort/security that you are holding on to, hang it up.....give it away to the Tormenter, the Abuser.....give it to him and you will be free.