Tarot Tuesday - Subtle Sensing and Truth Speaking

in #consciousness6 years ago (edited)

Welcome Friends

To another Tarot Tuesday with @phillyc.

This is my contribution to #tarottuesday, graciously hosted by @steemittarot and @traciyork. The reading is an opportunity to open up to an intuitive sense of things. It's an opportunity to craft a story from impressions, allowing it to unfold of its self. These cards are the focus that allows that inspiration to flow through. Inspire means the same as respire, we are that constant breath and exchange with life - in flowing and out flowing.

My intentions are for the alignment and balance of human beings, for us to come into our own freedom, power, and understanding. This isn't necessarily predictive, it's more of a potential for you to ponder and connect into.

Many thanks for tuning in, Sat Nam (I name the truth, we are the truth).


The Cards

Page of Cups - 7 of Swords - Queen of Cups

The first thing to notice here is that we have two of the cups court cards in play, right away we know that a strong part of the reading is to do with emotion and sensitivity in some capacity. The second thing to notice is that the central card is the seven of swords, which is the sneaky card in the tarot deck.

It's a very interesting combination indeed, for the previous month or so of readings there has been so much about power, deep transformation, and energy. It has been based a lot more in the fire element, with many of the trump cards making an appearance.

This week is something different, it is more subtle - and sneaky. Let's pay absolute attention to see what is here, for there may be multiple layers and truths involved.


Page of Cups - Messenger of Love

What new feelings and connections are presenting themselves right now? Be aware, and observe very closely the nature of these offers. We know from our lifes experience that love is not love is not love. Love can be a lot of different things to a lot of different people. It's time to take a really good look at how we feel, and how we feel about these new connections that are opening up to us.

Enjoyment, utter pleasantness, and blissful moments. Slow down a bit and allow these moments to come into your life, stillness and meditation are essential for the allowing. In truth this life is full of the miraculous, yet through the veil of heavy thoughts and mental projections is rarely reaches us in that same miraculous state.

Gazing lovingly into the eyes of a stranger, you feel a playful innocence inside your heart. The natural state of a child is to play and laugh, what it's about is a secondary concern. As adults we pride ourselves on our complexity and seriousness - where is the play? The page is young and not tarnished by so many painful things, they are innocent to the brutalities that the heart must endure as a matter of course. We all bare wounds, but we also always carry this place of innocence - take time to remember that and to dwell there. The artist and the mystic know this, they have lived their lives accordingly.

To be free is to continually maintain space and openness - feeling fully and being vulnerable to the ever unfolding now.


Seven of Swords, Deception and Sneak Thievery

The literal interpretation of this card - of pulling a fast one, is rarely what it means in actuality. We need to be aware that the exact nature of this card is slippery - it's not what it seems. Can we really say that duplicity is an evil thing? Good and bad are our judgements, the underlying truth getting missed is more or less a given. There are levels of truths, we can only each grasp at our current level. We lie to each other on a daily basis, because it's easier. We lie to ourselves too, and so convincingly that it has become completely integrated and subconscious.

There is no point in judging the human being for their lies, it's pointless. What I can say though, is that in our untruths we undermine one of our greatest powers. I am talking about the power centre of Vishuddha, also known as the throat chakra. When the energies come to manifest in Vishuddha, we begin to speak our own deep truth - whose results become irresistible to other human beings. It is precisely because embodying this power gives us such a sway over other humans, that the automatic cut off has been built in. What I mean by this is that if we start to stray from our path and speak untruths - our power will diminish and not be replenished.

All power comes from the source of consciousness, and in becoming arrogant to that we must suffer the inevitable severance of our lifes energies. Crafting an ego in service to consciousness is your best bet, a sure way to do away with so many internal power outages.

In speaking an untruth we block this power, a truly grand power. In the journey of the human being into an ascended awareness, there comes a time when we must choose to wield power consciously. If we are content in just following we will never claim our lives powerfully. In claiming our lives powerfully we have the greatest impact in healing the species and in growing spiritually. In speaking our truth we also become great truth detectors. The liar will feel ashamed in the presence of the truth, and their words will take no hold in the heart which is based in self honesty.

Lies may only speak to lies, and truth may speak only to truth. Truth is the master key, live honestly at all costs.


Queen of Cups - The Receiver

She's an absolute channel, and is highly attuned to many intuitive things. Almost dangerously devoid of self interest and agency, there is potential here to be led astray. She is well meaning but sometimes lacks a warrior aspect. With our seven of swords centre card I feel a very strong message here. Be aware of how others affect you emotionally, be aware of emotional undercurrents. Now is the time to be very clear about what you are casually connecting into. There is no blame here for any human being, we are more concerned with thought forms and emotional tendencies.

All places, all people, all thoughts, all feelings have a consciousness. A consciousness is an existence which we can connect to and perceive. Cats have a cat consciousness, dirt has dirt consciousness, there are also kinds of consciousness that we cannot even see or hear. They can only be internally accessed through the subtle realms. Even then we can only garner an approximation to what our wordly existence gives us as a way of understanding things.

Be aware of the subtle, be intensely aware. Be like a Zen swordsman who steps quietly and carefully, mindful of everything the senses report, mindful of every thought. This week is a review of the energies in our life, and whether we are still happy in connecting to these particular energies.

If you seek a change, then stay open to the breeze. I suspect that a much cleaner escape can be made by quietly walking away, than in creating a conflict. The bold and brash often overlook the quiet ones capacity to make themselves scarce. When the invading force comes through, they head straight to the castle and slay the king.

Use your sneaky abilities this week to disarm hidden traps, avoid obstacles, and completely outmaneuver all graceless barbarian approaches. Know the charm of the quiet bookish one, a silent power to be themselves with no need for outside approval.

Affirmation: "I am inner power, innocence, and sweet love."

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