Tony Blair: Violent Jihadist

in #consentualism3 years ago (edited)


Since Amber Rudd, British Home Secretary, yesterday announced 15 year prison sentences for "viewing extremist material" I felt I might be safer writing rather than reading/watching.

This has created a rather paradoxical situation in which (if you live in UK) you can be put in a cage for watching this film about the violent Jihadist known as Tony Blair but I, for now, cannot, because I am only writing about this extremist preacher and not watching him in action.

Thank you to Amber Rudd for galvanizing me to write and not just read/watch.
Thank you to Tony Blair for showing the world how dangerous a 'slick', smooth talking, politician really can be.

This might be funny if it weren't for the suffering of those on the receiving end.


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