
Suspense movies are interesting

I love movies about whistleblowers
They are always very interesting
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Looks like a horror movie but appealing. thanks for the review.

I did not know the existance of this kind of film, will definitely look it up!

~~~ embed:1768717257268465710?t=ccN-P9LyUUtVv07j72dKNA&s=19 twitter metadata:V2F5U2hvbGE4NDE1Nnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9XYXlTaG9sYTg0MTU2L3N0YXR1cy8xNzY4NzE3MjU3MjY4NDY1NzEwfA== ~~~

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The trailer looks very good and as you mentioned about this movie, I will definitely try to watch it.

Quite the first time I will be seeing you giving a film movie and that means it will be worth to try out

~~~ embed:1768806459138056398?t=i3VF-pddTrkNxxWA1SQZDg&s=19 twitter metadata:YWRlbmlqaWFkZXNoaW43fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2FkZW5pamlhZGVzaGluNy9zdGF0dXMvMTc2ODgwNjQ1OTEzODA1NjM5OHw= ~~~

Haven't seen him, will check it out.

The mind of men is really strong that it is able to handle that which we taught it can't be handled