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RE: WARNING: The Great Reset is planned, meaning likely total financial collapse this year.

in #conspiracy4 years ago (edited)

I love the pyramid.

People should tweet that photo all over Twitter or make their own meme. People can tweet out hope or try reverse psychology by saying you are so scared.


Not you but the average Joe. Not me or Biden. But there are many ways to try to wake people up. But the psychology, the shock therapy, among other things, is powerful at mentally paralyzing too many people.

Boiling Frogs

So many people and different things are in the game of getting too many people to do too little. AKA apathy, ignorance, etc.

Slow & Steady Turtle Race

The secret to success in life is that even a little is better than nothing. If seven billion people were to simply do something good for one hour each year to help, that would be so powerful.

Snowball Dominoes

Many people don't understand the butterfly effect or the pay it forward effect. And I am probably being too vague when I say that people can do little things to help. But there are many examples of how people can help. One example is this article. This article helps people more than too many people would understand.

Global Weekend at Bernie's

My favorite part of this article is when you wrote, "A massive worldwide version of weekend at Bernie's," because that is how insane Rothschildism is.


That's what I like about this pyramid meme because I've never seen that word before, Rothschildism. But I understand what the Rothschild dynasty has been doing for at least the past three centuries and some might argue that their family can be traced back to the Egyptians, Babylonians, etc.

Bad News vs Good News

It's critical that we always help people see problems and solutions to those problems. I mean, it is important that people are introduced to both the bad news and the good news.

Out of Context

Too often, people isolate the good news. Sadly, too many Q Qanon Trump Supporters say trust the plan. Yes, we should be appreciative of plans.

You Never Know, Good or Bad

But at the same time, better safe than sorry. Trump needs our help and we need Trump's help. We need the help of many patriots and others and they need our help.


On top of that, some people talk too much about the bad news, that we are all doomed. Yeah, if we don't try to do all we can, then globalism will decrease the size of our current prison cells.

Ongoing Prison Planet

We are already living in a one world government to some extent and in some ways. That's the bad news.

Fighting Globalism

The good news is that people are fighting back against the tyranny all around the world, currently.

Alarm Clock Reminder

It's always important to remind people of the perspective between the good news and the bad news.

Finding Balance

Don't get too lost on either side. Keep a balance perspective between the good and the bad.