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RE: What Do YOU Qualify As Good Content?

in #content5 years ago

I think this is one-way good tribes will be able to help with.

I love writing about League of Legends, but I spend a few hours writing this elaborate post and then get 10 - 20% of the upvotes I normally get.

Should this drive me to quit writing these posts, no, but reality I only have so many hours in a day and if no one on Steem cares about LCS League of Legends than why should I waste my time and write about it?

I'm the same way though when it comes to what's "quality". Quality to me is whatever I enjoy reading about at the time.


Well I see ya started writing again after a couple months away. Welcome back! Lol

I kinda feel the same way about the comic crap I blah. About, although roughing it out and pushing has gotten more folks who have never been into it, to at least start checking out my content regularly. So that’s kinda cool I guess. Lol

But yeah, the tribes can help I hope.

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