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RE: What Do YOU Qualify As Good Content?

in #content5 years ago

I’m with you, @blewitt. We can’t grow this platform if we are creating an environment for elitist content producers. For many people, producing stellar content on a consistent basis is simply not possible or practical. If there is nothing here for them but rewarding the content of professional writers, what would they come here? Why would they stay?

As I’ve shared in other (rather long) comments lately, I believe one of the most splendid thing this platform offers is “something for everyone.” If this platform becomes all about some top tier type of content, I’m out. And I am actually a professional writer and editor in real life. I do not expect the masses to have my skills or capabilities.

Do I think the top content should receive top rewards? You bet! Of course the best content should be highly paid. But does that mean there are no opportunities for those who want to share their pet pictures, their recipes, their daily physical activity or the cool stuff they just added to their wares in their comic book store? 😁

Maybe Steem needs a methodology for people to higher rewards due to demonstrated commitment to quality. That would keep the masses from draining the reward pool for posts that some might not consider worthy of great upvotes. And it would keep this from being a popularity contest. And it would prevent anyone from gaming the system. The top layer of rewards would go to those who have earned that right and the rest would be distributed among the masses. HF22, anyone?

I used to write long, well-written blog posts. They weren’t well rewarded, overall, and due to life stuff I have going on and my crazy job, and frankly my motivation wasn’t there due to lack of results. But if I knew I could be in a top tier of Steem authors and earn rewards for writing great content, I would change my m.o. Right now I post daily — a short, pleasant post with some thoughts, occasionally some humor or insights about the human condition, and some pictures. I use Actifit and tags for my communities and for things like TreeTuesday and WirelessWednesday. This is sustainable for me, and I don’t feel like I’m sacrificing my soul for a tiny apathetic audience.

So yeah... there’s more to fix on Steem. Love ya.


I like that. Something for everyone. Should he our selling point once we get communities here. If that ever happens. Lol

I think that’s the beauty of this place is that we can each decide what’s interesting and reward accordingly. Be it a post about dogs, a recipe for stew, or a review on the newest indie flick. Something for everyone...

Love ya my dear. ❤️

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