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RE: Content-Type Value and Reward Discussion

in #content8 years ago

I would say the "law" isn't the factor for what a community wants. Cannabis is safe, can bused to build, for fuel, for paper, clothes, and more, and I would say growing and selling it is a great thing. But since it's "illegal", we censor ourselves from selling "illegal" things even though they are beneficial. I'm speaking of behavior the community wants to support overall that we feed and grow. Information is different from behavior.


I agree that the law is not the perfect arbiter of what is right and wrong...I believe all drugs should be decriminalised and therefore would not object to content with a drug related subject matter being on Steemit. On the other hand, I would object to any content that celebrates and indulges child abuse. I think genital mutilation before an individual is capable of making a choice is wrong, but clearly there are communities around the world who would disagree with me. If such material were to appear, I would either have to avoid it or enter into a debate in the hope of changing opinions. What I certainly don't want is for there to be a censorship creep where other people are deciding what I can and can't see....i'll make that choice for myself. That is easy to say until there is a disagreement about where that line is. If I was the only person on the planet who found acting on pedophilia wrong, would i be wrong? What if everyone had been indoctrinated? We all think we're right until we're proven or convinced that we're wrong. Perhaps the only way to settle the discussion would be to have steemians vote. We can then get a measure of the composition of our community. If 95% of us don't want to see posts that celebrate child abuse, then if it makes it onto the blockchain, the devs can inhibit it or our community curation can make it disappear. If 50% of us don't want to see consenting adults doing a porno, then 50% do so we need to accommodate that kind of material in a way where the 50% that don't like it can avoid it relatively easily. There is so little black and white but we must acknowledge who we are as a global society....different sexes, religions, cultures, education status, wealth, health, nations, knowledge.....some of it is ugly. Let's take a look at all of's who we are and see what we can do to remove the lies and corruption and see where we are after that.