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RE: What Do YOU Qualify As Good Content?

in #content5 years ago (edited)

Tought question.
De gustibus non est disputandum.
Like : what is good music?

IMHO good content is when you clearly do some effort to create whatever. Generally.

If somebody would take a picture of i.e. tiles from the bathroom he's sitting in and post it in, like, 10 sec... Well, that MUST be a hell of a tile, to be considered a good shit. :)

Ah, I essentially repeated words of moon32walker :)


Sure. I think caring about what you put out is important. A pic of a house with a sentence written is probably not going to garner my support or interest as it seems cheap. But maybe there’s a dude out there who loves houses who finds value in it. I dunno. Lol

I’m going to dedicate my next bathroom time post to you. 😜

As for sharing the save sentiment as another, that’s totally cool. I agree with bits and pieces or entire chunks of what everyone here is saying. Also appreciate you taking the time to respond!

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