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RE: What Do YOU Qualify As Good Content?

in #content5 years ago

"Quality Content" is a horrible, empty phrase. Does "quality content" have to be grammatically accurate, with proper spelling and clear syntax? If so, there are very few "quality posts" on Steem---on the entire internet, for that matter. But, as Abraham Lincoln once said, "Fuck your useless definition of 'quality.' I knows what I likes.. " (That might not have been Lincoln, now that I think about it.)

Personally, I like art and comics and horror movies and funny shit and old video games and social theory and music---the rougher the better on ALL of thede topics. PUNKY INDIE WEIRD AMATEUR DADA FUNKY AVANT-GARDE ICONOCLASTIC STUFF. That's what I look at and enjoy and upvote. And I'm lucky that I follow so many people who RESTEEM other people's interesting posts! That makes it a lot easier for me to find NEW folks to follow.

Personally, I welcome the "BAD" posts, the goth poetry, the horrifying retail stories, the pen and ink portraits of Donkey Kong and MC Hammer, the recipe for microwave marshmallow surprise, the newest art manifestos, the cool sunset photos, and the excited 15-year-old sharing her first zine, as well as an occasional thoughtful analysis of Wittgenstein's theory of language games or a review of Dave McKean's collage technique in designing the covers for Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics! Bring it all on! I'm ready...

Posted using Partiko Android


Lol. My favorite Lincoln quote! I want that on a plaque. 😜

Yeah. I tend to agree. Even the “bad” posts...if posted with some care behind it...can be valuable. I like discovering something here now and then that I KNOW goes overlooked as it’s kinda amateur looking. But that’s fine. Shit, half my posts look like jumbled shit and that’s ok too.

I agree with you brother. Actually I find myself agreeing with lots of you which is kinda awesome. Seems those I would probably disagree with didn’t they find no value in my drivel. Lol

Posted using Partiko iOS