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RE: [Content Cop] How To Protect Yourself Against SteemitDefenceLeague

in #contentcop6 years ago (edited)

I get that... I have a need to understand people like that. /r/incels is fascinating to me.. so is /r/twoXXchromosones.

How can so many people think wrong about so many things?

Example...people who litter. Why? How? When did they start and why don't they stop? Why do they get so angry when you point it out to them? Do they not care? Is this the LEAST bad shit they do?


Yeah that's it, although I haven't looked through r/twoXXchromosones. Given me some homework there!

Don't get me started, there are just so many of these types of things that people do. My pet peeve is dog shit, I had a real problem of someone using my drive and track as their personal dog toilet. Ended up building some motion-activated cameras to stop/catch them, and it worked. Yeah, I won't go on anymore.

In their books it isn't a bad thing that they're doing and they just don't get why you're "having a go at them". The mind boggles.