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RE: The Masters' Contest March 2018 – Can you interpret the dream?

in #contest6 years ago

Her "Belongings" are a metaphor for the woman herself. Leaving all her belongings "to" her ex at the bus station indicates she gave herself up for and identified herself through him. Forgetting her belongings means she forgot herself. The deaf mother mirrors the woman's feeling of not finding a sympathetic ear for her position, only deaf ears.
The woman's search for her belongings represents the search for her idendity and lost/forgotten Self. Here, she finally ends up in the hospital, the fear of contracting other patients' illnesses reflecting the woman's fear to get so eaten up by her loss of Self and inner pain that she will never be healed again.

Whether the bus stop, school or hospital with the ill patients, in all these places she searches for her belongings, hence idendity. Yet it is rather a search for false idendity, because she always asks other people where her belongings are. So essentially she asks others "Who am I?"

It is here that the empty hospital room comes into play: here, there are no people to ask "Who am I?". She meets nobody but herself. In this empty hospital room there are neither ill nor healthy people, only she herself. But this is still a hospital where healing is ought to take place. So she needs to find out for herself whether this empty hospital room where she meets nobody but herself, might be the place where healing can take place ;) [241 words]

Haha, that's again a great idea! You will never ran out of contests with these dream interpretations 😃