Wednesday – August - 8 - Ethereum - Predict the Price and You Could Win 1 STEEM!

in #contest6 years ago


  • I would like to invite all who are new to Steemit community platform, have basic knowledge about Crypto trading and meet the requirements listed below to participate in this contest.
  • The purpose of this contest is to help minnow accounts and encourage Community growth on this site.


  • Leave a comment with your number predictions for today’s closing prices (prices close at 02:00 UTC or 22:00 EST), and you will have a chance to win 1 STEEM.
  • The comment with the closest prediction will win 1 STEEM.
  • Tip: You can check daily closing prices at 2:00 UTC or 22:00 EST at the following website:


  1. Required: Rep at or above 40 to be eligible.
  2. This contest is valid for the first 25 comments entries only.
  3. ONLY ONE ACCOUNT PER PERSON to be eligible. (**Please do not take advantage by using multiple accounts to submit multiple entries. Let other minnow accounts have a fair chance to grow as well.)
  4. Edited comments will not be considered valid. If you make a mistake, delete the comment and write a new one.
  5. In the event of more than 1 correct prediction entry, the earlier correct prediction entry will win.
  6. Comments must be submitted before 14:00 UTC or 10:00 EST to be eligible.
  7. Price predictions must have 2 decimals. Predictions with more or less than 2 decimals will not be counted. See below for examples of number format:
    1. 786.20 (**Your number must have 2 decimals)
    2. 511.09 (**More than 2 decimals will not be counted)
    3. 1,012.99


  • Another post for claiming rewards, rule updates, and general questions about the contest, will be created after the current contest day ends.
  • The winners will receive their prize (1 STEEM) within the same day as the post mentioned above. The winners can click the following to claim your rewards HERE.
  • Yesterday’s (Tuesday – August - 7 - 2018) closing price: 380.22


  • Don’t forget to Resteem this post to increase your earnings from visitor traffic!

Good luck!
@angelinafx (Angelina)

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Please read the description before joining the contest!





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