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RE: 500 Plus Follower Milestone 8 SBD Giveaway

in #contest β€’ 6 years ago (edited)

Hi Daddy William 😊
I hope it's fine calling you that name Sir @mhm-philippines.

Here's my entry 😊😊 but first I wanna congratulate you for having 500 followers. Cheers!!!

Zanji and Mama.jpg

Whom I Love the Most

If I were asked who are those "someone you LOVE"?
Definitely it would be my Family,
but I I were to choose "the most" it would be always my Son.
Never I imagined to give birth at 20 but God blessed me with this kid.
I never think seriously about my future before until he came.
When he came into my life, I started to have a straight direction.
"Living not for my self but for him".
Thinking about not my future but most about his future.
I love him more than I love my self.
He is my weakness and my strength.
The reason of my existence.
And I will always be thankful to God for choosing me to be his Mom β™₯

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Great post! Beautiful family! Handsome son! The same thing happened with my sister. When she was pregnant with my nephew she realized she had another person depending on her and it changed her life. He is fortunate to have you! Thank you for your entry and sharing your beautiful story! I love when people call me Daddy or Daddy William
God bless!

That's why I am very grateful for having him. He brought meaning into my life. It is true that when you finally have someone that depends on you, your whole life will change. It would turn your world upside down. You cannot explain the happiness you are feeling having him. That genuine happiness 😊😊😊

Thank you for your initiative Daddy! 😊😊😊