Guess Bitcoin Price Challenge #2! Win prize in SBD!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Hello to all Steemian friends!
Do you want to earn some SBD? If you do, you should participate in this challenge. Let’s get some fun by guessing Bitcoin price 48 hours from now on Coinmarketcap. Write your Bitcoin price in comment that you think would be 48 hours from posting this let's say contest and earn ALL SBD generated by this post. The participant which entry is closest to actual Bitcoin value at that time, will be pronounced as a winner and mentioned in announcement post! After that I will send all generated SBD to winner Steemit account when I redeem the reward.

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This post is resteemed and upvoted by @bestboom

Gonna go with $8,253.62


Gonna be around $9145

$ 8,889.00 usd

bitcoin prices range $ 8915

This post is resteemed and upvoted by @alimirza0416 , bitcoin rate gona go with US $ 8333.78,

$9200 aproximadamente

My guess for bitcoin price will be around $10,000


Is it over ?