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RE: Post Your Favorite Pet Picture Contest! 10 SBD In Prizes!

in #contest6 years ago

This is little thing is called Sikitiki, a lovely kitty that bites harder than a crocodrile; she talks a lot and always leaves a mess where she walks, but she doesn't did it alone, I present to you his little brother Sokotoko

combined are the most terrible thing that can exist, bites and disaster everywhere, but there is no doubt that they are the most adorable thing you will see today.


I love their matching little "wigs"

Ow! that's a beautiful cat picture! that little baby is lovely!

the most beautiful evil cats! <3

Cat's are Magic.

OMG, those cuties! i love those kitties!!!!!!!! <3

Adorable twins! <3 I fell in love already.

I want your gato! UPVOTED. 1000000% CUTE

I love them, so cute that I can die.


Sweet things ¡LOVEE IT!