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RE: Bunnypuncher's daily giveaway 5/06/2018 - 15 SBD total in prizes

in #contest • 6 years ago (edited)

I feel like you're reading my thoughts😂😂 @bunnypuncher ... I was going to propose today to make comments on a useful topic for others but you did this before I told you.... Since today's proposal for food I will write things and important tips for food.... Food is wholesome and harmful at the same time it is many harmful and a few wholesome.. These are some of the tips you should stick to in your food...
• Food must be taken moderately, within the appropriate limits of calories that the body needs in the day....
• Diversification into the food intake, within scientifically defined ratios,...
• Reduce intake of fatty foods, sugars, alcoholic beverages, fast food, etc.,....
• Drinking liquids in appropriate quantities, specifically water, in order to prevent the occurrence of dehydration,.....
• To take care of a balanced breakfast, as it has a significant positive impact on human health,