Guess and Win #18

in #contest4 years ago

Hello everyone,
I hope that you all are in good health. Well, can't say the same about me. Had this nasty back pain for quite some time now and docs have confirmed that it's early lumbar spondylosis.
Nothing to worry though it's a side effect of being under lockdown, zero exercise, and bad food habits. A little bit of exercise should fix it.
That's one of the reasons why I am not so active in discord or writing. But this contest gives me a purpose. And I am happy to host it for the community.
No on to the contest.

I am loving you guys. Thank you for the support. Below are the participants and there picks.
07 - @jizzyjoe
11 - @bhattg
27 - @guurry123
25 - @sacra97
21 - @idea-make-rich
33 - @justclickindiva
26 - @imfarhad
30 - @bold-n-italics
01 - @manojbhatt
47 - @chmoen
20 - @jsalvage
14 - @familyhistory
28 - @friendlymoose

This is so awesome. Thanks for your participation. Now without further ado let's ask google random number generator who is the lucky winner of this episode.
guess win.png

Congratulation @familyhistory on winning the Guess and Win #17.


Now on to Guess and win 18.
The rule of the game is the same as before.

One entry per person.

If you have any suggestions to make the contest a little more exciting. Feel free to drop it in the comment section.
Again I'd like to apologize for not being so active here. Hopefully, I'll be back with full strength soon.

Now, if you are new and wondering how does this contest works?

  1. You pick a number between 1-50.
  2. You comment your number in the Post
  3. Ancient spirits of the internet (aka random number generator) will pick the chosen one.
  4. inuke delivers the reward.
    In an event, with multiple winners, the reward will be split among them equally.

The current reward Pool is 1HIVE
Now watch me tag some of the awesome peoples.
@ro-hit, @father2b, @vicvperezdelara , @imfarhad, @himotherapy, @akkibadboy, @punkblogs, @inuke, @guurry123, @haidermehdi, @brittandjosie, @suheri , @trincowski, @justclickindiva,
@ro-hit, @erode, @momogrow, @photobook,@manojbhatt, @mysteriousroad, @jaguarosky,@liverpool-fan, @melinda010100, @abiga554, @vicvperezdelara, @guurry123, @himotherapy, @brittandjosie,@bold-n-italics,@jsalvage,@geyzee, @chmoen, @starstrings01,@russellstockley , @bold-n-italics, @familyhistory,@zayedsakib,@sacra97, @jizzyjoe, @minimining, @jlufer, @beehivetrader, @cwow2, @nathanmars, @dexpartacus, @sayee, @vincentnijman, @riyvhnn, @whatamidoing, @bala41288, @machiata, @j3dy, @bobinson, @codeingdefined, @steemflow, @mango-juice, @badfinger, @erode,

Now, Did I cover everything.
I guess I did.
I would like to take this moment to thank the Hive community Indiaunited and BeAwesome. Without them I would have quit writing and HIVE long back they have been my friend for around 3years now.
Cheers to that.

Right now I am working on a short story. And when I say working, I lied. But I hope I get the next episode out soon.
It's complicated - A short story by inuke
It's complicated - Episode2 - A short story by inuke

This is inuke
Remember just give it a try who knows you might get lucky. ;-)
All the best



Congrats to the winner @familyhistory and thanks @inuke for the contest.
My pick for the round will be 21

Thank you, Christian.

congrats to @familyhistory

@inuke, my pick for next one is 26, thanks

Thanks, a lot, Farhad.

Congratulation @familyhistory
I will take 2 this time

Congratulation @familyhistory for winning the contest.😁
I will pick 18 this time bade bhai.✌️

Thanks & Regards
-----Together we will make this a better place-----

Thank you very much.

Good evening @inuke , Thanks for hosting this beautiful contest, congratulation to the winner.
I prefer 19 for the next

congrats to the winner
i pick 12

Going for 9 this time. Thank you for hosting this contest.

Thanks for the Hive.

For the next contest, I'll take 5.

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