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RE: A believer in the teardrop token, more views about the steemit campus invasion and a contest for 1 lucky winner

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Remembering the pains i had to go through when i lost my father,my uncle had died 3yrs before him and at a point i felt something spiritual must be wrong.I was about to go in for my WAEC and NECO exams in 2011 when dad died,reading bacame hard,distanced myself from friends in class,felt so lonely,concentration in class became the last thing on my mom was just a petty trader,having to think about the burial expenses and my tuition fees,i watched her gradually lose weight,at a point she looked way older than her age.i would stay up all night crying and asking God why he had to allow such happen to us,most nights i would wake up to the sound of my mother crying and my brother consoling her.Life was hard.After the burial was done,mom had to go back to her business to help raise money for my exams,buh exam was fast approaching and money was not forthcoming,one morning i had walked up to her and told her i was willing to wait the next year for the exams since the money wasnt ready yet,but she assured me it would come and i had nothing to worry,soon we started getting donations from people,even my school wasnt enough to cater for both exams so i had to go for WAEC and praying i dont fail one subject.Passed my exams and today am a proud 300lv student.AM HAPPY,my tear drop experience.


very nice, thank God for grace