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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #23: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #contest6 years ago

Our anniversary


Imagination and emotion are the essential elements to engrave a permanent image in our mind. And, that memory shines, as if we were living it again, every time the ideal conditions that produced it are repeated.
And so it happens to me, again and again, every time the strawberries, the music of Air Supply and sunlight hit some clouds, at the beginning of every February, when the wind adds some dust particles to the mixture, that acting as prisms, convert the beam into a series of colors in which red prevails.
The red of our unprecedented passion, the red of strawberries that we taste simultaneously while we touch our lips and observe, on the shore of the lake that inspired the name of our country and that serves as a frame for each anniversary.
Time passes our hair white, our lives are concentrated in the upbringing of our beloved children and beyond that every day, every February and whenever the weather conditions allow it, that blood red sky appears that invites us to love ourselves once more, like the first time.
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