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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (LEAST Favourite food....)

in #contest5 years ago

My least favorite food would be anything made from non-human animals. The thought of consuming the flesh of what had previously been a living entity deeply sickens me. Similarly, dairy also is incredibly gross, once I learned about the usually horrific processes that go into stealing it from mother cows/ other mammals.

I realize this is a bit more broad than what you were likely asking for, but since going vegan I've yet to find any plants that I don't like the taste of. I eat raw broccoli, brussel sprouts, celery, kale. I imagine there are some plants out there I won't like, but I haven't found them yet.


Ha ha, so human makes are okay to eat? Sorry! Couldn't resist, it was the first thought that jumped into my mind..

I'm afraid I am still a meat eater, but I try to eat better meats and less quantity. It's not perfect, but I hope it is in the right direction... Likely, in centuries to come... The idea of eating meat will be considered dark age thinking!

Well, I still think no, but I've yet to decide where I stand on the idea of consensual cannibalism. Like, on the one hand, there doesn't seem to be anything inherently morally wrong with it. But it's very very gross, and I don't think I'd ever partake unless I was literally dying.

Sustainable progress is very important when it comes to changing dietary practices. Getting to where I am now was a journey of many years and a lot of introspection on why I ate the way I did.

Hopefully that will be the case. Have you heard of lab grown meats? It seems like the sci-fi novels where future humans on space stations are eating grown meat got it right again.

Yes, lab grown meats seems to be at least the interim step (or long term...). You wouldn't need to give up what you like about meat, but it is done in an ethical way....

You can find the winners and the new SBI contest (Inner Demons...) here:

Cool, thank you for the update. I'll respond to that question soon :)

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