in #contest7 years ago

This has become so much fun for me!

It's been amazing to see so many incredible entries, and to see how much fun some of you are having! It is great to be able to see all of different animals and plants in your areas, in some combination photography!


Before I get into who won the contest last week, I’ll once again review what I am looking for by featuring some combination photos of mine.

When I say “combination photography” I mean that you should combine two elements; plants and animals. At least one plant and at least one animal should be featured in your photo. Here are a few recent examples.

Painted Turtle with Leaves

Squirrel in a Tree

Besides simply providing the images, I also require that those entering this contest provide a proof photo as well. Two main versions of proof photos exist. One kind features the same combination of plants & animals with a written paper in the photo with your username, the date, contest name, etc. to prove that you took the photo for the contest.

The other type of proof is just a selfie with the animal and plant. Here are my examples for the photos featured above.

Once you see the proof photos there should not be any doubt in your mind that I actually took the photos I shared above, because you can see me right there! The written proof works in the same way.


There were so many excellent entries once again that I struggled to make the decisions, but in the end I had to, didn’t I? The Winner gets 50% of the liquid post payout from the Week Three Post and the two runner ups each get 12.5% of the same.



18.5 SBD



9.25 SBD



9.25 SBD

Thank you everyone for all of your efforts and entries! It has been a blessing to check them all out! Although the official way to enter this contest is by including your entry photo and the proof photo in a reply to my post, I strongly encourage others to make an actual post featuring their entry as well. Sometimes people who don’t win get paid more for their post than if they had actually won!


By now you should have a clue about what this contest is and how to enter, but here are the official rules just to make sure. Enjoy, and I am looking forward to seeing what you can come up with.


  • Photo entries must be placed in the reply/comment section of this post.
  • Submissions may also be made into posts, but it is not necessary.
  • A proof photo will also be required. This can be in the form of a selfie with the subjects from the photos or in the form of your username written on a piece of paper in a photo, etc. Basically, you must prove the originality of your work. Therefore, your entry comment should include two photos.
  • Users have between now and the time of the post payout to enter this contest.
  • I will personally select one winner to award half of the liquid SBD payout from this post to and two runner ups who will each get 25% of the same.
  • Enter as many times as you like!
  • Depending on the interest in this contest, I may have it be ongoing.


If you reply to this post with a photo of a plant and animal together and include a proof photo before the post payout from this post, you may win a portion of the post payout.


As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with


There are 2 pages

Really loving this contest papa-pepper ! So many great and fun entries!

Your rules are also super generous. You dont require a re steem, an up vote or any special tags. I have not seen a single contest work on such perimeters. You are showing your quality yet AGAIN!

I make it a point to acknowledge your high standards of character often as you deserve it!

Here is my first entry this week. @papa-pepper Combination Photo Contest Week 4 Entry 1: ~~The King Of Bugs~~

Thank you my friend. I like running contests that way. No upvote, resteem or even post needed. People of course can, but I'll leave that up to them.

Thanks for noticing the difference!

Oh I notice MANY differences in the standards you set and exemplify here. It is very respectable and that is why I make sure that everyone knows you are a Steemit Hero for setting such a great example. Everyone on here could learn something from you in how to have truly original posts and also how you contribute to the success of so many and the community as a whole.
I recognize and appreciate.


Amazing shots!

Looks like the turtle wants to ask you something

Are turtles safe to handle I don't know if I heard somewhere that they can carry diseases, or is it terrapins ? Cheers mike

hey mike, it all depends on the type of turtle and your location, here in Australia you can pick them up and handle them without much risk of contracting disease but there are certain species like the snapping turtle that will happily take a chunk out of you if they get the chance so just be careful but you should be fine :)

Thank you very much for your reply, cheers mike

thx for sharing

This is a great contest and great idea @papa-pepper. I was hoping for an opportunity to arrive and this morning it did.
This is my first entry for this week's contest: The Monarch Butterfly

hello again @papa-pepper
I have found another cow in nature for you here in Switzerland...
hopefully you will be receiving better quality pic as of next week with my new camera...
here is my original post: (if you would be so kind as to throw a little upvote my way, that would be much appreciated)

i really love how she disapprovingly stares as me there

anyhow, greetings from Switzerland and STEEM ON

@arrliinn: Combination Photo Entry #1

Hi @papa-pepper! It's actually a bit challenging to find animals around our area (Abu Dhabi, UAE), but here's what you'd normally find:

I chanced upon these cats flirting with each other around the desert bushes:


photos taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (Gosh, I really need a better camera! 😅)

@arrliinn: Combination Photo Entry #2

Hi @papa-pepper! So I've been waiting for the birds to go home before sunset today. There is a big tree in front of our house where you'd see them perched in the morning and by sunset. However given that my phone camera isn't too great, I gave up. Then found them:
BIRDS on the desert sand


OMG, did they jusy fly away?! LOL. Anyway, hopefully you can still make out it was taken from the same location.

photos taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (Gosh, I really need a better camera! 😅)

@arrliinn: Combination Photo Entry #2

Hi @papa-pepper! So I've been waiting for the birds to go home before sunset today. There is a big tree in front of our house where you'd see them perched in the morning and by sunset. However given that my phone camera isn't too great, I gave up. Then found them:
BIRDS on the desert sand

Me in my pjs. 😂

OMG, did they jusy fly away?! LOL. Anyway, hopefully you can still make out it was taken from the same location. 😂😂😂

photos taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (Gosh, I really need a better camera! 😅)

Here's my entry this time around...a bunch of hairy caterpillars. Cape Lappet Moth caterpillars to be exact.



So cool!

@arrliinn: Combination Photo Entry #3

Hi @papa-pepper! It is my first time to join any of your many contests and I definitely enjoyed it. One, the weather here in Abu Dhabi is still pretty hot(40°C max) hence outdoors is really not our thing these days. Two, I have spent long days at home now that I am transitioning to my new job and still waiting for my work visa to be completed. So even just a few minutes outside the house really counts! 😂

After taking the pictures of the cats and the birds, on my way inside our home I found this cat lazily sitting atop a car. The way the leaves and branches of the tree framed his cuteness is picture-worthy:


photos taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (Gosh, I really need a better camera! 😅)

Thanks to @papa-pepper for this great contest

Combination Photography Contest Entry #1
--Jumping Spider VS Caterpillar on lemon leaf--

Visit my post here:




Very cool find!

Oh wow. That is an awesome series of shots.

My chicken entry! It's hard to find animals or even insect in the Middle East... We are in the middle of the desert! 😅 look at the DATES TREE... hehehe...

my 2nd entry, THE WHITE CAT in the middle east...

Here is my second entry! This butterfly is seen in the woods, on a rotting watermelon rind. I LOVE butterflies, and I love watermelon. :)




Hello steemians, hello papa-pepper,

this is my first entry in this contest. I love the idea of the combination photography. In the nature there are such great combinations to find. My pictures show an admiral butterfly on a hibiscus plant, also called rose of Sharon.



And this is the proof. I am not really talented in taking selfies of me and a butterfly but I tried my best. Please excuse my weird face expression. I was concentrating on the picture ;D


I hope you like my pictures :)

A little add on to my proof picture since it didn´t work out that well.



Again, here is my second entry for this round



Thanks to @papa-pepper for make this great contest

Combination Photography Contest Entry #2
--The Beautiful Monarch Caterpillars on Milkweed Flowers--

Visit my post here:

ula7 new.jpg

ula1 new.jpg


Here is my entry for this awesome contest


Here is my proof


Thank you

I love the idea of this contest so much!

And man, that winning photo of the mantis was very special and well captured.

  • The look on it's face as it's eating the bug and seemingly realizing that it's being photographed lol...It looks like the person caught it in an embarrassing moment or something haha.

  • Tried to get some good shots for the last few, nothing seemed good enough to enter tho.. Still working on discovering my angle for this contest. There's very little "interesting" wild life directly near me :(

I'll keep trying tho. I just don't want to submit garbage so I'll bide my time and surprise you hopefully :)

Hello fellow stemians and @papa-pepper
Here is my first entry for this round..




The last, here is my third entry for this round..



After I took this photo, I noticed a second creature hiding in the corner! It almost looks as if he was stalking the ladybug, as well. :)



This is my first time competing in @papa-pepper photography contest. Thanks for brought this contest up to us!

Combination Photography Contest Week 4 Entry #1 [.Aggresively Fire Kingdom of Ants]

(Let's macro!)

(Their environment)

(No ant hurts in the making of the pictures!)

Help post.All dollar i will earn from this post will be given to help the flood victim share among friends too.

Love that grasshopper pic.
Colors are so vibrant.

Love to join!!! Get ready for my entry today!!!

Great! I'm getting ready!

Awesome images:)

Nice pictures , ,

always good sir.

Yes steemit is now the platform to explore our own things to whole world....contest, challange, are ultimately the sharing and enploration of the talent....thanks steemit for providing a large plateform for all....and you people ,you are realy helpful...

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Will join soon
Thanks for sharing
Have a great weekend

Very nice idea for a contest! But above all, I find the photos of the strong points of your article, greatly appreciated! Thanks for sharing this with us

@papa-pepper excellent post friend, a pleasure to share an adventure more with you, I hope someday to have a sign like that, you are very generous with your followers, God bless you!

Very nice..excellent photography with so much close to nature..

I'll definitely join this contest this time around

this is a excellent idea and great photography

Wow! First i love the concept and those pix are just awesome.

wow this is very amazing..... pictures.....

Congrats to all the winners! The bunny looks cute though :D

congress to winner

Watch out. I am coming with my animal.

Congratulations to the well-deserved winners. Between weather and my health, I missed that round. I am hoping to be back this time!

There are 2 pages