
Thanks for the HSBI. I really like the number 7 so the numbers I recommend are below:

Too many 7s can make you a striker.
Lol 😂😂😂😂

Thank you!
We will go for the 7s :)

Thanks boss.
Am so grateful!
Happy weekend!

You're welcome.
Enjoy the weekend!

A big congrats to the winners.
Please is it that there's no win for those who got up to two numbers correct from the five numbers?

Hi @alovely,

  • If two or more of your chosen numbers are not drawn you will win nothing.

For each ticket, there should not be more than 1 number incorrect.

If you choose 2 numbers, at least 1 must be correct.
If you choose 3 numbers, at least 2 must be correct.
If you choose 6 numbers, at least 5 must be correct.

So the chance to win becomes less, the more number you choose. One the other hand you would win more HSBI if you chose the correct numbers.

Otherwise, everybody would choose the maximum of 6 numbers and I would be bankrupt in some weeks ;)

It's now clear to me.
Thanks for the info.

Thank you

Gerne doch :)