
Thank you for that, but I upvoter everyone when the power is there. It's advisable to keep up with the voice power as it charges about 20% a day

yes @xpilar,
if i have, SP a little more,
I will keep as yours are now 80% -100%.
I'm collecting it, you do not worry ok



I think, you will scold me ...
it turns out, you advise me ....
because, I am waiting for you,
with 3x call, you do not answer it ....
I'm sorry,.....@xpilar :)

Hehe do not cry you're always my friend

hahahaha ...thank @xpilar

I am very happy, read it ....
yes @xpilat, I ... will remember always, hopefully my goal is achieved, to Norway ....

, $RI8EXKA.gif

you remember this .... hahahah

Yes, and it goes fast, halfway to Norway already

LOL why you are crying :p

well ... you alway come quietly ...
not crying, but, laughing ... while out tears. LOL

@sultan-aceh hope you always happy thanks for rising my moral two day ago the interview was successful :)


by the way thanks for upvoting us :D

I like that
Congratulations @xpilar!
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Comments - Ranked 1 with 215 comments

What do you mean....
I do not understand @xpilar

thank God
hope you can help other friends in the future

congratulations, from me, @sultan-aceh


congratulation :D the 2nd only 146 comment :p

Are happy ,Thank you @hichemfetoui
Congratulations @xpilar!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

Comments - Ranked 1 with 215 comments