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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #16: 199 words, 10SBD prize pool!

in #contest6 years ago

Live Free

As she stared at the stars from her little room window. She wondered to herself, 'how can one continue a life like this'? She had dreams of travelling the world and seeing exotic places. All hopes were dashed when her mother passed 13 years ago and her father's wealth dried. She had to be given out as a maid to the rich. She was maltreated and also kept in shackles and at a very minimum wage that could only support her immediate needs. After a grueling day of labour, she made up her mind. 'Enough is enough' she thought.
Carla had on this day decided it was enough and she fled on the night when the sky was the least lit up with stars. By morning she got to the village farthest from her town. With excitement beaming on her face she met a group of people who asked if she was lost. She replied, 'no, I am just where I need to be to live free'.