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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (LEAST Favourite food....)

in #contest5 years ago

Ok then you might be running into your vote not being large enough to actually be counted by the steem blockchain. There is a rshares tax on every vote cast across steem which might have effected your payouts if you used a tiny vote one week.

You are currently at 865sp voting strength after all in/out delegations right now, but if that was lower before and you used a fraction of a percent upvote that could have been your issue.

Either way keep in mind how the rshares tax per vote effects what you are doing. the first 50 Million rshares is removed from each vote and votes with less then 50 million rshares are rendered a 0 for both the author and for curation.

You had a 0.75% vote cast recently (I just looked at steemd to see if this was your issue) and that was worth 175 million rshares, really small vote to start with, but worse almost 1/3 is going to be taxed at payout and it will be reduced to 125 M rshares.

If you cast a vote at .25% and your VP is lower there is a chance that it's not being counted at all.

Now that is just for the Steem Blockchain. I am not sure if there are different rules in place by @steem-bounty in how they process low value votes.

I also don't know if there has been any adjustments to the 50m rshares on the blockchain since HF20, but haven't seen any talk about raising it (or lowering it).


That would have a trail vote. All the votes I use for comments are at 4 or 5 percent... I was considering removing myself from trails, but I just don't have the time for manual curation all the time, so I figured I would just eat that tax!

hmmm....then I really have no If you see it happen again make sure to let me know. I'll get knirky to look at it.

With a vote that small on a trail you aren't getting curation, it's just to small. I don't get curation on a lot of my trail votes worth 175M vests. Might as well stop those votes and up your other votes. Voting less for more is way more effective IMO.

Hey, I tagged you on the bounty post, but the weird distribution happened on this post. I am testing out larger votes on the next one...