
OOH! So many questions, this is something I talk about a lot...

When a friend is sad that a job comes to an end, or they need to move to a new home because their landlord is selling their home, I always tell them...

"This could be the greatest thing ever to happen to you, you just can't see it yet"

So yes you are right, change is not good, change is not bad, change is just...change

cool read, thankyou :)

That's an amazing advice you give to your friends. Right, you just can't see it yet. When certain things happen and you connect the dots, then you'll begin to see.

Thank you for great comment!

Exactly, my friend!

We need to learn to see the invisible possibilities. Or at-least to know that just because something is not real yet, you can't see it, does not mean it will never be.

Good luck, I hope you have a truly wonderful journey :)

I'm glad that we're like-minded about this topic :)

You too, have a wondrous journey, Steem on! :D

Awesome thank you for coming back my friend and submitting this quality piece!

It raises a lot of valid questions!

For me all change is good, because if I put the label 'bad' on it, then that's my experience of it.

yet change is inevitable and I believe all change leads to you where you actually are supposed to be!

Amazing writing and thanks so much for participating my friend <3

With Love
Hart Floe Poet