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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #23: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #contest6 years ago

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Tyler never believed werewolves exist beyond the movie world, he never believed that humans could transform into beasts that run on four legs and tear humans apart.

He was only 5years old when he lost his mother, 15 years later he doesn't still know what caused the proposed death or disappearance of his mother.
He got tired of asking and decided to go to the said spot his mother was said to be seen last.
He packed his bags, and began his journey into the woods without informing his Dad.

Tyler being a tall and well framed young man had gauged himself for danger because he planned to stay as long as he would till he gets a clue of what happened to the woman that brought him to the world.

He stayed in the woods for a fortnight peacefully. Suddenly strange things started happening, he began to hear footsteps without seeing anyone.

The night of the Full moon was here he remembered and this made him recall all he has heard about the woods.
The night came, the sky was Blood red he got scared little did he know his mum is an Alpha of a werewolf pack


You this man... Nice one😂😂😂

Lol.. Thanks