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RE: EXISTENCE of Steem and Steemit UNDER THREAT - Hollywood Blockbusters Published by Steemians on Steem and Steemit

in #copyright7 years ago

Thans for sharing your thoughts. Taking down a service can also be done by bad press, with the users running away. Uploaders are in the end the ones that violate the laws indeed. Question is though: when the platform itself does not support preventing and detection of copyright material illegally uploaded and stored on their platform, how 'guilty' they are as well. I only know that Hollywood is very strong. The history shows how strong they are with multiple torrent networks taken down. Today varies Steemians reacted in flagging chainflix posts, which gives a good signal to the community in my opinion and I appreciate their efforts to fight for a fair and honest community. Your suggestion for bots to help, I do agree with. I suppose we are not there yet wrt powerful detection algorithm like YouTube seem to have, but it would be great if we (including Steemit INC) can start thinking about how to materialise something like that.


yea.... If only I knew a yt insider lol hopefully we could tackle the problem before the site goes down and frankly re-opens with a diff name and better regulations but...reputation damage irreversible even amplified to oblivion by hope and luck be with us!

I hope with you, although I generally do not believe in hope to turn reality. In parallel to hope, we have to act :)