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RE: The pan[ic]demic is a Rahm-portunity

i have totally failed.

Here i sit, in a warm house in the pouring rain, and i cannot ride my bicycle to the store.

You see, i am low on chocolate chips. I only have a few bags left, the lowest my stocks have been in months. I am getting really nervous. Will the store have chocolate chips the next time i go? Will all the store be closed due to being out of Corona (its America's favorite Mexican beer)?

Oh whoa is me.

i would really like to hear more of your statements regarding Scott Adams.
Because, he is great to listen to when you want to dissect the stories coming out of politicians.

However, there are times when his stances (this is the only way) are sooooo bad that i have to turn him off. (mostly because he seems to stand on logic, and me having listened to too much Mr. Rose, can see that his logic is wrong, but he still demands that his logic is sound.)

But yes, i see that Scott Adams is a HUGE statist now.


I've written about Adams many times, and he even has his own tag on my blog for his loserthink concerning guns.
I tried for a long time to get him to respond to my REASONS as to why he was wrong, but I'm sure he blocked me.