Coronavirus / Coronavirus vaccination: Please take a few minutes to watch these clips. Together they are most revealing.

in #coronavirus3 years ago

Coronavirus / Coronavirus vaccination:
Please take a few minutes to watch these clips. Together they are most revealing.

The first is cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough. He points out that something is up, (something not good). I agree and we all need to start taking note, waking up and speaking up by sharing with others. The majority of the population is being kept in the dark due to censorship & control. Big Brother is here and his vehicle is big tech and the billionaire class who think they know what is best for you and your life and the world population.

Then watch this

from Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying. That two scientists would feel uneasy just mentioning a topic, discussing information and data about it, speaks volumes. It becomes more clear by the day, those in charge have intentionally prevented approving treatments like Ivermectin in order to push the vax and their related profits, while thousands needlessly died! Bret suggests malpractice and gross negligence, I could not agree more. There is so much packed in here, you should watch this clip twice. I have. What you're getting in MSM is not science, it's censorship, brain washing and propaganda. It's a new form of totalitarianism.

You know how it is well known, the HSS vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS, is widely under reported? Many studies suggest it's only 1-2% of actual totals. WELL, if that is correct, then the vax may be on track to kill about as many as Covid allegedly did! If you are under 75 & healthy, your odds are looking better by staying away from this experiment!
