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RE: New York takes the lead on 'Contact Tracing' - Which the WHO recommends against

in #coronavirus4 years ago (edited)

I'm sure his "models" (nobody else ever gets to see/review it, so it could simply be an .exe that says to shut down the world) show a range of scenarios, but the reports released (with him as lead author) always stress the worst-case scenario, and recommend shutting down the planet.

The thing is, not only is Imperial College on Bill Gates' payroll (~$290 Million), but Neil himself is also the acting director of the "Vaccine Impact Modeling Consortium", which is funded by The Gates Foundation & GAVI (which is itself funded by The Gates Foundation.)

It seems likely that Neil's job is less about being "right," and more about fanning the flames of BG's mandatory vaccine/RFID agenda.


Oh in that case it really does seem a clear cut case of big pharma money controlling the data.

This stuff is actually on the A-level sociology syllabus, I'll make sure I get it out there to a wider audience!