From Philstar Global news, as of today 4:28 pm in the afternoon. The DOH confirms 206 new cases of the covid-19 (coronavirus disease 2019). It rallies the total counts of infected to 4,000 mark.
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DOH said that the national victims of this said virus reached 4,076 while the fatalities had increase by 21 additional deaths in total of 203.
Today, 28 had recovered from the covid-19 but they are required to stay at home for 14 days. The total number count of recovered patient or cleared patient from the virus is 124.
The medical staff of the Philippines has begun the rapid testing so we expect this coming days that the number of infections will keep rising.
Meanwhile in Manila, large hospitals had announced that they will no longer accept new covid-19 cases because they reached full capacity.
Hundreds of medical staff are no longer accepting infected patients because they are in self-quarantines after being expose, or suspectedly expose to patients that has covid-19 cases.