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RE: Now we might need vaccine booster shots to combat Covid-19 mutations?!

in #coronavirus3 years ago

Did you hear that despite all the supposed plague and carnage, overall deaths were DOWN in 2020, and the flu completely disappeared?

Where do you find this information? I have wondered about the total number of deaths in 2020, and would like to see a comparison of previous years deaths maybe 25 years worth.


Yeah, the source for the flu info is linked above, and "all cause mortality" varies from country to country. I don't know if any mainstream outlet that has analyzed/announced worldwide figures for 2020 yet, but I'll keep looking. In the meantime you can search up each country's official take on it. New Zealand's deaths were significantly down in 2020, for example.

I'll do a post on it if/when I find good worldwide data that includes 2020. Probably won't hear too much about it on CNN!