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RE: CDC uses misleading headline to deceive people on prior infection immunity.

If you want to go deep, then you have to go through Fauci's whole history and his management of $50 billion dollars in grants through the NIH. Look at who is wife is and what she heads. Look at his connections to Bill Gates and the Clintons.

It's a cabal of Malthusian Eugenicists who are finishing up plans from the early 20th century to seize control of the world through global government in the hopes of implementing a depopulation agenda.

There's so much to this history, it's hard to take in readily.

But two books that can get you kicked off on the topic are:

None Dare Call It Conspiracy

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group


When you've finished those, then you can move on to watching:

Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full


And if you want to see Fauci's lies exposed and his connections in present form, read:

Who Watches the Watchmen? - Fauci's 'noble lie,' exposed