Vacc-Passports Violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: To Here and No Further

in #covid3 years ago


Most nations worldwide subscribe to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of which article 13, paragraph 2 states, “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.” But compulsory vaccination passports, based on arbitrary and changing requirements, such as proposed by the European Union, violate this human right.

Brussels bureaucrats have drafted a bill to require vaccination passports for international travel, including travel between the EU’s member states. Citizens will be required to use an app or some kind of QR code system to prove one is ‘eligible for travel’.

One must then secure one or more of the following three proofs to be allowed to leave one’s own country:

  • one must have the required vaccinations demanded for travel, and offer proof in the form of one’s registration into a government vaccination database;

  • or, one must undergo a covid19 test and prove that one has been tested negative (via a registration of the test outcome into an approved database);

  • or, one must carry the antibodies that make oneself immune to covid19, and offer acceptable proof thereof.

Note that even carriers of leprosy or the black plague are presently not required to have themselves tested for such diseases before enjoying international travel, but otherwise perfectly healthy people are required to present acceptable proof of their covid19 vaccination status! How absurd is that?

Also note that, before covid19, every citizen in the world was allowed to leave one’s country even if hit by a most severe flu. Also, people with HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, or other contagious diseases, for example, have never been asked to undergo medical testing before boarding an international flight. From mid-june, however, perfectly healthy EU citizens without the proper covid19 test outcomes are denied their right to leave any country.

The above medical requirements for travel are a direct violation of global citizens’ rights to “leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country”. Soon, without the required medical proofs, an individual may not be permitted to leave the country.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights does not say citizens of the world must first undergo all sorts of arbitrary and invasive medical procedures before exercising one’s right to leave any country, as detailed in article 13, paragraph 2. The EU vaccination passport is not restricted to air travel. It also implies people driving a car, or boarding a bus or a train, accross any national border may be asked to present their covid19 registration data.

Mind that before covid19 every citizen in the world was allowed to leave one’s country even they were hit by a most severe flu. People with HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, or other contagious diseases, for example, have thus far enjoyed zero restrictions concerning international travel (aside from the planned covid19 requirements).

This means the vaccination passports have more to do with pushing vaccinations than with public health. One may ask, then, what the vaccinations are really meant for?

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