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RE: Forced Vaccination

in #covid2 years ago

After seeing the agony my wife's physiotherapist has been going through for months, I am glad my family and I got the vaccine.

She was the fittest person we knew, she did very arduous hikes, ate well, and her parents are medical doctors. Now after 8 months she still can't stand for more than 5 minutes and can't concentrate even enough to watch the TV. This was from a 5min conversation on her brother's doorstep, he and his family recovered and she still has 50+ symptoms. This is a lady in her 30s, not a pensioner.

I'm sad to see you don't believe the science, as it is well established that vaccines work.


Science is the one thing - and if a vaccine is safe than vaccination makes sense.

I am not convinced that mRNA therapeutics are safe - and I think that there are better vaccines outthere in order to save lifes and health of the people.

Bon Courage - I hope your wife will recover again.

I am not discussing the efficacy of the vaccine or the severity of the disease.

This is about compliance and control.

May god have mercy on your soul.